XUP Rowing without pulley system - back workout
If you attache handles from side to the seat you get a suspension straps and you can do the hardest rowing with XUP.
If you attache handles from side to the seat you get a suspension straps and you can do the hardest rowing with XUP.
Rowing with single leg workout will strenghten your back, glut and hamstrings at the same time.
Rowing with XUP will help back pain and improve proper posture. You will active your back core and biceps as well.
The reverse peck deck greatly tone your rear delts and shoulder blades muscles.
Super Chin Ups is a great exercise to strenghten your upper body in a few reps. It belongs to the golden treasure of original XUP® exercises.
XUP Chin ups can do everybody easy and in a full range joint movement.
Original harder exercise to strengthen your upper back and triceps. Try to have your arms all the time nearly straight.